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Who : Yi Jing(I Ching) e-Fortune-Telling (Code: A9). Yi Jing(I Ching) is the most long history fortune telling in Chinese or even the world. It is still useful today
Key Point: Prediction service base on the oldest astrology - Yi Jing(I Ching)
Remark: Anticipate your future, well plan for future and prevent mistake
However, there are some newer astrological texts which follow the Chinese Agricultural Calendar, and thus place the changeover of zodiac signs at the solar term li chun (beginning of Spring), at solar longitude 315 degrees. Related Items Feng Shui Fortune Telling Destiny telling Chinese Horoscope Chinese Psychic Chinese Numerology Future Forecasts Zi Wei Dou Shu Yi Jing(I Ching) Destiny Forecast Lunar calendar Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) Chinese Predictions Feng Shui Master Karma Asian Predictions Oriental Horoscope Oriental Palmistry