Chinese Astrology
Ba Zi
Zi Wei Dou Shu
Yi Jing(I Ching)
Chinese Zodiac
Feng Shui-Love
Feng Shui : Luck
Who : Zi Wei Dou Shu Master (Code: A8). Zi Wei Dou Shu is one of the Chinese famous Fortune Telling method. It is based on consulters' birth date information to predict their destiny
Key Point: The master provides you a solution for your coming 10 years
Remark: Forecast your destiny, help to solve your current problem
Special: seo Lucky - Career - Lifestyle - Emotions ¡V Character - Destiny telling - Chinese astrology
However, there are some newer astrological texts which follow the Chinese Agricultural Calendar, and thus place the changeover of zodiac signs at the solar term li chun (beginning of Spring), at solar longitude 315 degrees.
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